What is a Blocklift?
A blocklift is a crane system that enables ships to be lifted on water and moved on land. This system is used when ships need maintenance, repairs, or storage. The blocklift is supported by special lifting arms and cranes placed on the ship’s deck, which safely lifts the ship by controlling its height.
Ship Transport/Ship Towing:​
Ship transport and ship towing services facilitate the movement of large ships between ports or across waters outside of ports. These services are usually carried out using specialized ship transport vessels or tugboats. Ship transport vessels are large platforms designed to lift and transport ships on water. Tugboats, on the other hand, are used to tow large ships or floating platforms and assist with maneuvering them.
Contributions to the Industry:​
Blocklift and ship transport/towing services make significant contributions to the maritime industry. These services ease the maintenance and repair of ships, ensure the safe transportation of ships, and increase the efficiency of port operations. Additionally, these services help ensure that maritime trade is conducted safely and smoothly.
Ship Elevator Side Support

Dock Side Support
Flexible Pad
Auto Block
Support Arms
Multiple Ship Docking System
Dock Arm
Propeller Puller
Ship Transport System
- Support Arms
- Automatic Block Guidance
- Dock Van Support Arms
- Multiple Ship Docking System
- Flexible Pads
- Propeller Puller

Marine Towing System
- Diesel Engine
- Capacity 15 Ton
- Lifting Stroke: 25â–¡ mm
- B Steering Wheel on 2 Axles [4x2] - - Steering at ±35'

Rounding, Skew and Auto-Sync
Customized Options
Load, Engine and Pressure Gauges

Wireless Remote and Backup Controls
Increased Speed and Ratability
Mechanical Fixed and Movable Pads